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Low Back Pain Clinical Practice Guidelines:  The Dangers with Non-Concordant Recommendations

Low Back Pain Clinical Practice Guidelines: The Dangers with Non-Concordant Recommendations

Clinical practice guidelines are systematically developed statements to assist practitioner and patient decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances. Clinical practice guidelines define the role of specific diagnostic and treatment modalities in the diagnosis and management of patients. Clinical practice guideline recommendations are based on evidence from rigorous systematic reviews and synthesis of [..]

Does Lowering Cholesterol Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk?

Does Lowering Cholesterol Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk?

For decades, the public has been told that elevated cholesterol levels are a major cause of heart disease and stroke. However, in recent years, researchers have begun to question this notion. In an article published in the BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal) in 2020, an international group of authors discussed the controversy surrounding the [..]

The Chiropractic Treatment Approach for Whiplash

The Chiropractic Treatment Approach for Whiplash

Whiplash associated disorders (WAD) describes a constellation of symptoms (neck pain, headache, mental fog, radiating arm pain, mid- and/or lower-back pain, neck and upper back stiffness, muscle spasms, fatigue, anxiety, memory loss, etc.) that can result from the sudden forward and backward whipping motion of the head and neck. While motor vehicle collisions are most [..]

Chiropractic Care for Older Headache and Neck Pain Patients

Chiropractic Care for Older Headache and Neck Pain Patients

Neck pain and headaches are a leading cause of pain and suffering that affects hundreds of millions of seniors worldwide. Until recently, the use of chiropractic care for elderly adults with headaches and/or neck pain has been poorly understood. Let’s investigate the effectiveness of chiropractic care for the elderly who are affected with these conditions. [..]

Manual Therapy for Knee Pain

Manual Therapy for Knee Pain

Knee pain is a common complaint, and patients often wonder if manual therapies provided by a doctor of chiropractic can help manage their knee pain. In many cases, the answer is yes. Let’s take a look at what the research has to say about using manual therapy to address two frequent causes of knee pain [..]

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Diagnosis

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Diagnosis

Despite being the most common entrapment neuropathy (pinched nerve) in the extremities, a gold-standard test for diagnosing carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) has yet to be established. In part, this is due to how the symptoms develop from patient to patient, as well as the presence of other conditions that can result in a similar collection [..]

Whiplash Injuries and the Elderly

Whiplash Injuries and the Elderly

Concept and Terminology A common cliché is that the only certainties in life are death and taxes. Another certainty for the elderly is the increasing incidence of the wear-and-tear breakdown of one’s joints. The presence of joint breakdown increases with age at all joint sites. These joint breakdowns have a number of names: Arthritis Osteoarthritis [..]

The Pelvic Floor & Low Back Pain

The Pelvic Floor & Low Back Pain

The pelvic floor is the muscular “hammock” that carries the weight of the viscera located in the pelvis. If these muscles become too loose or too tight, an individual may experience urinary (or fecal) urgency or incontinence, sexual dysfunction, pelvic organ prolapse, as well as pain in the pelvic region and even in the lower [..]

Chiropractic and Migraine Headache

Chiropractic and Migraine Headache

Approximately 36 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches. Current pharmacological treatments are not very effective and they may have dangerous side effects (1). Migraines are the second most prevalent neurologic disorder (after tension-type headaches), with a female-to-male ratio of 3:1 and an estimated 1-year prevalence of approximately 15% in the general population (2). The total [..]

Initial Treatment Approach for Whiplash-Associated Neck Pain

Initial Treatment Approach for Whiplash-Associated Neck Pain

While neck pain is one of the most common reasons patients seek chiropractic care, the underlying cause of neck pain can vary. In some patients, the cause may be unknown or it may be the accumulation of years of poor posture, bad ergonomics, and an unhealthy lifestyle. In other patients, such as those who experienced [..]

Migraine Headache Triggers, Protectors, and Predictors

Migraine Headache Triggers, Protectors, and Predictors

Migraines are characterized by recurrent headache and a hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli that can trigger an episode. Unfortunately, migraine triggers can vary from patient to patient, which can make understanding and managing the patient’s condition a difficult proposition for both the patient and their doctor. In one study, researchers reviewed data from surveys, patient diaries, [..]

Alpha-Lipoic Acid Supplementation for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Alpha-Lipoic Acid Supplementation for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

When it comes to the conservative management of a condition like carpal tunnel syndrome, care will usually focus on reducing inflammation along the course of the carpal tunnel and improving mobility of the median nerve as it travels from the neck and into the hand. This treatment approach may also include the use of nutritional [..]